© 2024 by SUNG-CHIH CHEN.

© Sung-Chih CHEN - Photo: Chen-Hsi WANG
1978年生於台灣,畢業於國立台南藝術大學造形藝術研究所(MFA),專長複合媒體空間裝置。過去以來常藉以現成物進行複合創作,這些現成的生活素材在創作者的任意拚湊、組合下,轉化後呈現出有別於粗糙、生冷的物質原性,並微妙地注入濃厚複雜的心理元素,作品往往因此產生溫度,富有詩意。歷年參與多次國際藝術家駐村以及交換計畫於日本Koganecho Area Management Center、美國International Studio & Curatorial Program, New York、韓國MMCA Goyang Art Studio、英國Visiting Arts London、埃及The Townhouse Gallery、法國Cité International des Arts、台灣The Stock 20等地。過去作品曾獲2022蕭勤創作獎、2013 路易威登 Louis Vuitton台北藝文空間藝術徵件計畫-首獎、2012年35視覺藝術家支持計畫-易雅居藝術獎得主、第12屆李仲生基金會視覺藝術獎得主、第三屆台新藝術獎2004年度七大視覺藝術、2008&2003 台北美術獎優選、2001世安藝術創作獎…等,自2001年起陸續發表個展,並多次受邀參與國內外多次重要聯展。作品並受藏於國立台灣美術館、文化部藝術銀行、台中市立美術館、朱銘美術館、榮嘉文化藝術基金會、私人收藏等。現居住創作於台灣台北及台中。
Sung-Chih CHEN
Born 1978 in Taiwan, Sung-Chih Chen graduated from Graduate Institute of Plastic Arts, Tainan National University of the Arts, with emphasis in mixed media installation. Previous works include mixed creations using ready-made objects. These ready-made life materials are randomly assembled, combined, and transformed in order to present something different from the original rough and cold material quality with a delicately blended complex psychological element. These art creations, therefore, are given warmth and poetic meanings. In the past years, there were several participations in artist-in-residence in international studio and exchange programs in Japan, USA, Korea, Britain, Egypt, France, and Taiwan. Previous artworks used to receive 2022 Hsiao Chin Creation Award, 2013 Spirit of Travel–Espace Louis Vuitton Taipei Audition- First Prize, 2012 35 Visual Artist Support Winner, The 12th Visual Arts Prize of Li Chun-shan Foundation, 2004 Taishin Arts Award – Top 7 of Visual Arts, 2008&2003 Taipei Arts Award Best-selected, and 2001 S-An Aesthetics Award – Arts Creation Support. There have been individual exhibitions since 2001 and numerous invitations for the participation of important exhibitions in Taiwan. His art is collected by National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art, Taichung Museum of Art, Art Bank Taiwan,Yeh Rong Jai Culture & Art Foundation, Juming Museum. He currently lives and works in Taipei and Taichung, Taiwan.
Sung-Chih Chen’s past works were all based on this idea, using the language of the material itself to present the sensitive segments of the life that are often ignored. The works are mainly showcased by spatial installation. Chen makes mixed media installation using domestic objects and materials. His works are carefully arranged assemblages that weave together ideas of memory, ritual and transformation. Often reworking motifs and materials used in earlier pieces, Chen creates a continually evolving narrative. His on-site installations always contain space and stillness, often revealing the elusive relationship with the world around us, and invite the viewer to respond to enigmatic sensations.